  good action anime forum
Any one have any good options? So far watched : One Piece Bleach D.Grey-man FMP FMA Scryed Trigun Naruto code geass vampire knight

Anime Assistance (Q & A) . "No hardcore blood, but mild blood is fine I've watched skinwalkers, black blood . " � "Sounds like you want a well rounded anime/manga .

im looking for a action anime with romance. something not to old. and something thats no all girly and cute. and something that has good animation

There's also lots of good ole fighting and action. The show never takes itself seriously and . I can see why some people would call Madlax an action anime, and why some good action anime forum .

[Archive] Good action anime? Suggestions . what is a good action anime for me to watch while I wait for naruto?

Forums � . For me the best Action Romance anime are: Busou Renkin . I think the romance in Inuyasha is good too. and .

Hey Everyone!!! I've been really bored lately and can't find any interesting anime to watch. I've

good action anime forum

caught up with all the anime series that I watch

what are some good action anime? or generally a really good anime to watch?

I wanna watch more action anime. And by that I mean constant fights. With swords/guns/whatever or mecha it doesn't matter. Here's the anime I've already watched:

Forums � . I know there are a lot more great Action-Romance anime's out there . through all the posts. probably not as good as the .

. title of anime that Romance Comedy Action Anime. . watching anime while also surfing anime crazy forums. . need a good Romance/comedy anime: jimmyliu1: Village Landfill

Hey guys i'm in need of a good action anime. Something along the lines of black lagoon, which mean some great action scenes to get your blood pumping, followed by a .

Browse action anime. Action screenshots, action recommendations, action good action anime forum relations, action . Site Links. HOME; ANIME; MANGA; CHARACTERS; PEOPLE; FORUM

so yeah i generaly only watch action/fighting anime and have
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